Here is a small selection of original artworks created by some of our Canadian artists
Please note, these paintings are not for sale.
Moonlight Serenade by Debra Kessler

Winter Wolves by Debra Kessler

Holiday Cottage by Shane Lynch

Moonlight Cabins by Shane Lynch

Spring Bunny by Shane Lynch

Winter Church by Shane Lynch

Winter Friends by Shane Lynch

A Pair of Killer Whales by Susie Matthias

Monarch Butterflies by Susie Matthias

Polar Bears by Susie Matthias

Portrait of a Bengal Tiger by Susie Matthias

Row Boats for Hire by Susie Matthias
Cat and Mouse Chase by Amanda Orichefsky
Christmas Living Room by Amanda Orichefsky
Mickey Mouse by Amanda Orichefsky

Connected Again by Kaileen Selig

Serene Sanctuary by Kaileen Selig

Safari Sunset by Kaileen Selig

Midnight Look by Kaileen Selig

Good Friends by David Fleet
Summer Path by David Fleet
Winter Day by David Fleet

Country House by Daniel Laflamme

Old Quebec City by Daniel Laflamme